Bilder från Helsingborgsfestivalen

Har inte kunnat lägga in dessa bilder tidigare p.g.a. att min dator krånglat, men nu fungerar den alltså. Fredrik, jag och Svea började dagen med att gå till Big Buddha, där Fredrik åt en rätt som såg jättegod ut. ( Gick dit med mamma, Svea och Rebecka en annan gång och den var jättegod också:))
Härligt väder var det, men eftersom det var lite väl varmt med tanke på Svea så höll vi oss i skuggan större delen av dagen och Svea drack massor av vatten.

En väldigt ledsen Fredrik? Nej, han har pollenallergi!

Vackra Helsingborg!

Svea med sin valp Fredrik!

Min bästa vän!

En ny mascara. Gillar att fotografera mina ögon som ni kanske märkt, men jag gillar min nya mascara. Har inte köpt en ny på säkert ett år så det var väl dags!

Postat av: Monica

Men du HAR ju fina ögon!

2008-08-03 @ 12:30:51
Postat av: bjorn

youth festival Catholics agree = distribute Danish sausage with bread (fee) and condoms (free) when påvestolen may pay compensation to western law (genocide in Africa as an infantile can figure out = wildfire in af as a condom could be saved - "condoms for africa ")

And teach children and adolescents = when infants are infected with AIDS

'exercise pill'

skitstövlar = bush way he was with a pole (shifting into the gate) with a bottle of which are replaced every now and then (diet, etc.)

world leaders who go to hell

little spirits of the view that Bob and go - fun, see, I mean

punishment and warning

fp-had a louse, but it was so mkt split in the party so different factions dissolved and opposing each other so it went to end up in smoke it all and then, it was not party någotmera and it became bankrupt and also broke

take advantage of many fine tusenlappar as it has in old age

Just as "Italians" spagettimaffia on the mouth and spoil the tab and

easy money that Milan = switch on småtjejer (known in the media a long time,

reportage, etc.) and "villa discretion idiot a'la medici"

Shot Put in the heads of many murderers, vatikanskistövlar and hypocrites

Laugh out skitstövlarna as Life words = skrattfest the packet and "over

Law "Berlusconi idiot (EU korruptionsregler bla recently in Bul think

I). Exploit every single contribution and the "wolf in fårakläder."

Ang Ulf Ekman

This is a damned sham. If you have a minimum of experience and insight.

Tex television podium for the elections with Alf Svensson and laughed at Göran

Persson (and himself arbetarintervju and "boasting of it").

In the circumstances, "went to the U.S. and studied for a pastor / priest" and 80-t nyl

spirit of bla contempt for physical disability (wikipedia electricity etc., that bluff

interpreters' disease is evil ").

Religionsförbudsandan of the Basic Law for example tillhörighetsförbud

(children's etc in the Swedish church).

Uppsala etc and triggning elements in the environment (ärkebiskopsstift etc)

Would väck course, as well as the monarchy for a long time ago

SEN DÖMA AND NOT ALL OF A SKITSTÖVEL SKULL - I mean, so it strikes the

immigrants, criminals and the general public, etc.

But Christians and religious - make use of course, blah contribution, society, etc. for

something that is not true (the best practices, the third task of

University College).

Poiis and military to protect the country after all the internal threat.

I think it is that - like many scientists, etc.

Say "Jesus is and call ..." (eternal life) we must of course have strong reasons, posiitoner

as it was before - the death penalty

in the past (when the religion was not a private matter or easy).

See, democracy (majority) do not want detunderagenter mm would simply

liquidate / dead skitstöveln UlfEkman.

Larger bluff in Sweden.

Quotes like "do not like when it clinks but when it rustle."

In a Christian context leeende wolf in fårakläder. Sen personlighetspsykologigranska and

assess the life of evil (skitstövlarna, known for it).

Relations with the Russians and Israelis ...

2 cases of fraud (the house 6.6 million, as has been said and nothing in the U.S. that I

read on jinge - do not read more into the University of electricity etc.).

Several of offence on the economic front (right in rem, etc.).

Just as "Italians" spagettimaffia on the mouth and spoil the tab and

easy money that Milan = switch on småtjejer (known in the media a long time,

reportage, etc.) and "villa discretion idiot a'la medici"

Shot Put in the heads of many murderers, vatikanskistövlar and hypocrites

Laugh out skitstövlarna as Life words = skrattfest the packet and "over

Law "Berlusconi idiot (EU korruptionsregler bla recently in Bul think

I). Exploit every single contribution and the "wolf in fårakläder."

elanaheadofthebell.html?.v=1" rel="nofollow">

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2008-08-03 @ 12:54:23
Postat av: Fredrik

Usch, som jag såg ut! :D hahaha Jag saknar dig älskling!

2008-08-06 @ 00:37:02
Postat av: Fredrik

Bra att du tyckte att rätten var god, för annars hade du fått smisk på gumpen!

2008-08-06 @ 00:39:29

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